Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wake up, wake up.

A young lady's world is filled with tears, jealousy, and an unfulfilled sense of self. Dr. Sax, a PHD physiologist and medicinal doctor. Through his extensive studies and surveys of the lifestyles of teenage girls in both Canada and the United States of America he has come to the realization that girls are far more anxious than boys even if it doesn't show on the outside. Many girls also feel unfulfilled with their lives, and that their use of gadgets such as computers and cell phones needs to be limited for their own health and well being. In his article he explained how many aspects of young female lives lead us to believe they are healthy individuals in body and mind, but further reading leads you into their empty lives which they aren't even sure they want to take up from.

Many instances have shown girls to suffer from far more anxiety than males during their teenage years. You can talk to many young ladies from North America and a large percent of them will describe how they are constantly worried about their weight, how much they've eaten the day before, struggling with appearances and social status. It is a proven fact that girls talk about these matters far more with their friends than boys do. It probably has to do with the fact that society as a whole puts so much pressure on girls to look and act a certain way, so their minds are constantly being sent messages. Whispers of 'Don't eat that' and 'you can't wear stripes..' which have an overall affect of undermining their self-esteem and raising their anxiety levels. With all this pressure, it might be safe to start checking young ladies' blood pressure levels.

'Anorexia of the soul' is the term used by Dr. Sax as he described how girls feel more and more unfulfilled. They are constantly being put on the spot before their peers and feel that they have to perform according to social standings and requirements. This puts a stopper in their personal development as a human being and leaves girls with an empty feeling. Instead of a performance they need to break out into the world and actually live. Living in the real world, and not only the society of schools and parties will help build their character and lead them to truly discovering who they are. Their true personalities can finally grown and blossom with ever soul-building experience. Climb a mountain, sail the seven seas, or simply leave your town for a few days and breath in a new experience of slightly more intensity that you're used to. Adventuring is part of the human experience, and one can not truly explore if they are constantly 'acting'.

Late night texting sessions seem to have replaced the late night talk shows these days, but they might be riddled with even more gossip and slander than parents seem to think. The vast majority of teenagers these days own a cell phone and text on a regular basis. A study done by CBSNEWS stated that 'almost four out of five teenagers carry a cellphone....and almost half of the teenagers surveyed say they having a cellphone is key to their social lives.' What people might not realize is the sheer amount of teenage girls who carry their phones to bed with them at night and stay up until the wee hours of the morning texting their friends and catching up on the latest school gossip, ect. Teenagers already need more sleep than other age groups as it is, and when they stay up late to text to their friends it is cutting back on valuable sleeping time which will lower her performance rates in classes. Parents should be able to take cell phones away from their children at night and return them in the morning, for the sake of their children's health if nothing else at all. Information can be spread and stretched so quickly in this day and age, including rumours and slander as well as praise.

The world of the teenage girl is a brittle existence. Girls have been proven to be more anxious than ever before, feeling uncomfortable with themselves due to their constant 'performances' for society, and trapped by the icy claws of technology. Dr. Sax showed this all in his article for MACLEAN's recently and it is without a doubt true. There are many girls which are not affected by these trials and have a healthy existence with themselves and those around them, but it remains an issue for just as many more no matter how silent they are about it.

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