Friday, April 9, 2010


One Day without Shoes was lovely!

What did you do?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One Day Without Shoes

TOMS shoes stared an amazing event a few years ago called 'One Day Without Shoes', in order to raise awareness for children and adults in developing countries who can't afford shoes of their own. Shoes can prevent harmful cuts, scrapes, blisters, and dangerous illness which are otherwise totally preventable.

Millions of people around the world go without shoes every single day of their lives. Shoes. Something we either hardly thing about and take for granted, or lavish heaps of money into a single pair. Imagine what a simple pair would do for a young woman in Ethiopia who has to walked miles a day just to get water for her family over volcanic soil.

fact: Volcanic soil contains substances such as glass and alkali metals which, if you walk on it, enters the lymphatic system and causes a painful and debilitating disease called Podoconiosis. This disease is 100% preventable, by wearing shoes

So on April 8th. (It's TOMORROW, everyone!) take off your shoes!

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why was she allowed?

Recently a mass of enraged students shut down a speech at the University of Ottawa who could not stand the slander coming from the mouth, and reputation, of one Ann Coulter. The Canadian students were offended by her racist remarks and didn't allow her to speak. Was this taking this too far? They certainly didn't seem to think so. But how far should someone like allowed to go?

According to internet sources Ms. Ann Coulter is an American Conservative speaker, who travels giving speeches and spreading her (very) right wing views with the general populous. Most people know her as a controversial speaker who brings protesters out of the woodwork at many of her tour stops. She is a 'successful' author and her views, how ever unfortunate it may seem to many of us, are highly respected across the United States. Her name can stir many emotions in people, either defending or rediculing her. She has been quoted saying such things as 'I wonder what would happen if women lost the right to vote?...In fact, in ever presidential election since 1950...the Republicans would have won if only men had voted.'

In Canada, people follow a delicate set of guidelines concerning freedom of speech. Freedom of thoughts, belief, and opinion and encouraged..but to what point? The Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes a 'imitation clause' stating: " The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such responsible limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." Canada works within limits of respect for all fellows and strives not to offend people of other races, beliefs, or physical limitations. Before Ms. Coulter arrived in Canada she was sent a warning to watch what she says, as the Canadian people are very touchy about such comments as she makes every day. Her retort was that is was her 'freedom of speech'!

Perhaps in her own country.

Canada has different guidelines to abide too, and the vox populi has significantly less controversial topics being so harshly commented on. As a cultural mosaic, not a melting pot, Canada has the weight of a thousand nations to protect. She has gone too far, for us.

If this woman feels the need to spout these horrifically racist and offensive views to the world, perhaps she should start a blog? At least this way she's be quiet, and the world could silently yell their comments back at her via the internet. Maybe it would get closed down after a while too. Though it might be considered a hate crime as well...but shouldn't some of her books be looked at under the same light as well? Probably.

Unfortunately if she is fought against with blistering determination, it will only further 'fan her flames' so to speak and give her even more of a reason to retaliate again and again. "Look how angry I can make everyone!" She'd probably say happily, and saunter away with delight etched over her face. We shouldn't really give her any attention at all.

Maybe none of this article should have been written in the first place?