Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Driving is essential

Perhaps you want to go to the store, or the park, or even down the road to pick up a stick of butter or a sewing machine from a neighbor. Would you
a) lace up your trainers and jog over.
b) slip on loafers and clamber into the family vehicle.
c) jump into some riding boots and saddle up to your trusted pet emu whom you can ride around town.
As unfortunate as it might seem, you'll probably answer b). The emphasis on driving in this day and age is fantastic. For every little errand or jaunt around the town, people are expected to leap into a vehicle and drive off down the snaking pavement to a location of their choosing.
And with good reason! We couldn't actually walk everywhere, could we?! With the modern convenience of the fossil-fuel burning engines, what does a little air pollution really matter to us anyways?

Driving was once a luxury that only the rich could indulge in, but now if you don't have a car you are generally referred to as a tree-hugger, hippie, or just down right poor. Who wouldn't want to be the hot-shot behind the wheel of the latest Ford F150, belching blacked exhaust into the already weakened Ozone layer? Don't's only one more car. What harm could you possibly be doing on your own, anyways. If one person takes initiative to stop driving, then perhaps others would follow, but that first person certainly isn't got to be you. Oh no! you'd sooner saw off your arm than give up the leech on your paychecks. It's a social symbol you will want to get in on if you haven't already purchased your own automobile. It doesn't matter if your 17 years old, and barely able to make your insurance and gas payments, as long as you have that car...

Cars were invented in order to make everyone's lives easier, a task which they certainly have accomplished quite well. All things considering though, the distances between the vital stores and buildings in the average North American's lives have shrunk considerably over time, as cities began to pack more and more into every street. So maybe that grocery store your ancestors had to visit 10 km into town to pick up everything they'd need for the next month has moved a block from your apartment. That's no reason for you to actually have to walk to it! That's what your shiny new BMW is for. Who knows, you might even be able to accelerate above 40 km/h this time...after all hasn't the light just gone green? Your legs will get a bit of exercise in the shop anyways walking up and down all those aisles. It could practically be called a workout!

Clearly a vehicle is an essential part of the North American lifestyle, something we just couldn't live without. Sure we could opt out of short drives and take a healthier route (for both ourselves and the environment), but what if it was raining?

1 comment:

  1. 3 of 3 blogs complete, detailed and polished. Outstanding effort all semester. Good luck.

    Mr VC

